After much prompting, I guess it's time I sit down and update our blog. As many of you know, the week we were to leave for Ethiopia the Red River began to rise and flood many nearby homes and neighborhoods. Our city of Oxbow was one of those who was forced to fight the flood waters. Early in the week we were thinking that the water would not reach our house as we are almost 2 blocks away and at a higher elevation. But by Wednesday morning we were proven wrong - we watched the water move into our streets and up into our yard. At this point leaving for Ethiopia was NOT what was occupying our minds!! We put a few calls out and family and friends came to help us tighten up our drain plugs and move all of our belongings out of our basement. Many thanks to all who helped!!

The kids and I left the house Wednesday night as the water in the street was rising and it wouldn't be long and we'd be trapped. So my father-in-law packed his bag and came to stay at the house with Kyle, while the kids and I went to stay at the lake with Grandma. I'm sure I'm going to owe him a few meals to make up for staying in a house surrounded by water with no use of a toilet. Thanks Grandpa! Friday, March 27th was the day we were to leave for Ethiopia. I kissed the kids goodbye and left them safe and sound at the lake with Grandma. Kyle's brother, Toby, came for the weekend to take Kyle's place at the house so we could leave. It was tough leaving with all the flooding happening, but we could rest easier knowing that Tom and Toby were watching our house. I had to park my car along Hwy 81 and call Kyle to let him know I was there. Then he had to walk down the street wearing his chest waders.

We left Fargo at 6pm on Friday, March 27th. We flew from Fargo to Chicago to Istanbul, Turkey to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. We arrive in Addis at 3:30am Sunday, March 29th. We stayed at an old villa which has been converted into a guest house. It is owned by a wonderful woman named Jerusalem who made us feel right at home.

We tried to get some sleep once we arrived at the guest house that early morning, but the Orthodox Church and the Muslim Church broadcast their services over load speaker AT THE SAME TIME and it was difficult to ignore. Then once the services stopped the neighborhood dogs decided it was too quiet and that they should all bark! And I'm not talking about 1 or 2 dogs - it was like 101 Dalmations and I'm not kidding!! Once we were up and showered, I gave Emily a call (Emily is an American gal who is doing some missionary work at the transition house owned by our agency) and made arrangements for her and Ana's nanny, Hiwot to bring Ana to our guest house. They arrived just before lunch and I think we both fell in love with Ana all over again!! I couldn't believe she was standing in front of me - it was very surreal!!

Ana was very comfortable with us right from the start!! Emily and Hiwot had done a wonderful job of preparing her for our arrivale. We had fun watching her and listening to her and holding her and just FINALLY being with her!! We were able to ask Emily and Hiwot questions about her personality, her routine, and her likes and dislikes. They also taught us a few keys words in Amharic - like pee and poop! And over the next couple of days we quickly picked up words like gum, chocolate, and pop. We also discovered that Ana is a clothes hound!! She was so excited to look through her suitcase full of clothes!! Below are just a few pictures of her in her new wardrobe...

We had a wonderful time in Ethiopia! We were able to do some sight-seeing about 1 1/2 hours north of Addis and it was beautiful!! We took in some sights within Addis as well - the museum, some beautiful old churches, some yummy restaurants, and playing with the children who lived next door to our guest house. The Ethiopian people are wonderful!!

The night/early morning that we left Addis was bitter sweet. I was so excited to be going home to see Matt, Andy, and Tina and to introduce Ana to everyone, but it was also very sad that we were leaving and taking Ana from everything she knows and is used to. Ana did very well on the airplane - she didn't like the seat belt, but that was just a matter of take off and landing. She was was entertained by the movies, toys I had brought, and the snacks I had packed. But she did eventually hit a wall - she fell asleep about 30 minutes outside of Chicago and she slept through our landing in Chicago - all the way through customs - through immigration - through the entire 4 hour layover - and through the entire flight from Chicago to Fargo. And guess who forgot to pack an umbrella stroller?? Needless to say, Kyle and I were exhausted after carrying her through the airport!!

When we landed at the airport in Fargo, we were greeted by Grandma Carole, Auntie Karleen, Grandma and Grandpa Freier, Matt, Andy, and Tina, and my friend Dawn. They had signs welcoming Ana home and they also gave her a teddy bear - very sweet. She took to them right away! Ana is adjusting well and is melting the hearts of everyone she meets!
Well, that's all for now. More to come...