It's hard to believe that it's been over a month since we returned home with Ana!! Ana has fit into her "little sister" role in our family with no problems! The boys adore her (most of the time) and she drives her older sister, Tina, crazy most of the time.
We accomplished the task of taking the "family photo" a few weeks ago. I don't think you peeps know how difficult it is to get 6 people (4 of them being children) to smile on que!! Matt actually had a pained look on his face in some of the pictures. I think I over-smiled for the lack of smiles from the rest of my family...lets just say I was sweating by the time our photo session was over!
Ana's English is coming along so remarkably!! She is talking all the time! And she even knows how and when to use her words appropriately - what a little sponge she is! We are sad that she is slowly forgetting her native language. We've tried to use the few words that we know, but she will correct us with the English word. For example I'll say, "Do you need to go shint?" And Ana will say, "No I need to pee Mom." But we have had her continue to say her meal-time prayer each day and I still get all teary eyed when she's done. So sweet!
We are very excited that our friends from Fargo will be bringing home their 2 children from Ethiopia in June!! They are adopting a 4 yr old girl and her 2 yr old brother!! We can't wait to meet them and I just know that Ana and Sarah will be best of friends!!