Monday, March 23, 2009

Rain, Rain Go Away

So I'm thinking that flood preparation was NOT on my list of things to do this week! We THINK our house will not be affected by the river, but have taken precautions to ensure we remain high and dry.

I've gotten all the donations packed!! With all the infant & toddler clothing, shoes, cloth diapers, disposable diapers, bottles, nipples, receiving blankets, & the beautiful blankets my church lady friends made - we were able to fill 4 - 50 lb bags!!! We will be traveling with 3 of the bags and my friend and her husband will take the other bag when they travel to Ethiopia in May to bring home their children. Thank you Beret!! And a HUGE THANKS to all of YOU who have such giving spirits!! The children will benefit greatly!!

I've got most everything that I need and that Ana will need in a suitcase as well. And of course as I said earlier, Kyle will throw in his 5 things and we'll be off!!

We fly out of Fargo Friday evening. We will fly from Fargo to Chicago - Chicago to Istanbul - Istanbul to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. I believe Kyle told me the Chicago/Istanbul flight is 11 hours and the Istanbul/Addis flight is 4 or 5 hours. We arrive in Addis at 3:30am on Sunday, March 29th. We will try to rest for a few hours and get cleaned up and then Ana will be brought to our guest house. We'll be able to visit with Ana's nanny Hiwot and learn her schedule and ask any other questions we have.

Monday is a free day. Tuesday we have our embassy appointment in the afternoon. Wednesday is free as well and Thursday we will receive her Visa. We fly out of Addis at 1am Friday, April 3rd. We will get back to Fargo at 10:13pm that night. Grandma Melinda & the kids will pick us up at the airport. Can't wait to see how the kids & Ana react to eachother!!

So our trip will be fast & furious! I plan to enjoy every moment in Ethiopia and pray Ana bonds well with us. Can't even imagine what she is going to be thinking. I just hope she feels our love for her immediately and that it is not too difficult for her to see her nanny leave her with us.

I will post again once we get home! Can't wait for you all to meet her!!


  1. Quick piece of advice - be sure to go shopping! I did go shopping but wish I would have purchased things that I think Maya would like as an adult like bedding, cross necklace, coffee pot/cup set, etc.

  2. Are you guys ok? I will be praying for your trip and your home and for Ana and the kids. Can't wait to hear all about it and see her someday soon!!
