Monday, December 22, 2008

A Wonderful Christmas Gift

Today in the mail we received a DVD from our adoption agency with video of Ana!! She says her name and is sitting on the floor putting the different shapes in the appropriate slots. It was so good to see her in action and hearing her voice!! She is just precious!! Our travel date can't come soon enough!!

The other cases that weren't passed the first time are now passing the 2nd time. That is encouraging!! So I have no reason to expect anything different for our case on January 19th!! I pray we hear within a week or two after that, that they have all of our documents prepared for Ana and that we can travel soon after that.

I have been able to keep in touch with an American gal who is working as a nanny at the transition house via email. She gives me wonderful updates as to what Ana is doing and about her time there in Ethiopia. I now know that Ana is wearing size 3T shirts and 2T pants, so I suppose I can start shopping now - yah like I haven't done any shopping yet!!

We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and pray that your time with your loved ones is special!!

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful gift! It is amazing to have contacts like the one in the transition house. She will be home soon!
