Thursday, January 22, 2009

Not yet you say??

That's right... unfortunately our case was not passed this week. Looks as though we are needing yet another document. Sooo ... our next court date is March 5th and with God's help we'll be going to get Ana by the end of March.

Yesterday was not a good day for either Kyle or I. I probably took it the worst as Kyle has his work to occupy his mind. Me, however, I ONLY have kid stuff to occupy my mind!! So I had a pity party for myself and told myself to enjoy it while it lasts because tomorrow is a new day! So I did - I cried like there was no tomorrow - filled the garbage with tissues - ate absolutely nothing (hard to believe I know) - and went to bed early (well I was already lying in bed, but I mean I went to sleep early). When I woke up this morning I thanked God for what he has given me - three beautiful children - a wonderful husband - a Mom who comes to my house to watch my pity party - and a Mother-in-law who takes care of my children so that I can have a pity party without being disturbed by "Mom, can you get me a drink?.

I appreciate all the calls, texts, & emails I've gotten sharing your concern and well wishes. I am so blessed to have so many friends and family that are just as excited to meet Ana as I am!
I will let you know of any other glitches, but I am praying that this is it and we'll be given the green light come March. We would really appreciate it if you would continue to pray, not only for us to be able to go in March, but for Ana and her caregivers as well.
Thanks and love to all,


  1. Again, I am so sorry Kathy. Our prayers continue to go out to your family, here, and in EThiopia. If there is anything you need let me know.

  2. Hi Kathy, it was great to meet you yesterday! This adoption thing can sure be a roller coaster, please know I will be praying for strenth and endurance for you and your family.
