The first day of school is always bitter sweet for me. After a fun-filled summer with the kids - all day - every day - 24/7 - running here - running there...well you get the drift...I am a "smidge" ready for them to go back to school. But I also miss them while they are away.
Today, we put THREE of our children on the bus! I know...can you believe that my little Tina is in Kindergarten already? Tina is very much ready to soar her oats and enter the world of elementary school. She is my social butterfly! She boarded the bus this morning with a huge smile on her face and plopped herself next to her little friend Solvay. The boys were ready for school to start as well and to see all their friends.
Of course, I had to remind them of how much they missed me while they were away by having warm brownies waiting for them when they arrived home! Matt said he could smell them as he came up the driveway...and then he said two of my favorite words...thanks Mom! I love that boy!! The other two just scarfed down the brownies while trying to tell me about their day.