I remember looking into Ana's deep brown eyes and feeling just so very blessed! I was in the dentist chair when I received a call from our agency saying they had some new children available and she wanted to send me pictures over the email. Oh my gosh, I wanted to run out of that dental office right at that moment - but I didn't - I let them finish my cleaning. So as soon as I got home, I phoned our agency and told them they could start sending the pictures. I had no idea they were sending so many pictures - it took forever to receive them. Ana's pictures were the first ones we received and I phoned our agency and told them not to send me anymore - Ana is all we needed to see! I just knew that when we did finally receive a referral, that we would accept the first child we saw - and we did! She was so beautiful & so full of life - her smile made you melt - and it still does!
I thank God every day that she hasn't lost her happiness & her smile. I worried so much that we would get her home and she would become very sad & not want to be with us. But I really think she has bonded very well with all of us & that she truly feels like she belongs (and she most certainly does) in this family.
So many of you prayed for Ana for close to a year and we thank you so much for that!