Monday was Ana's first day of preschool. She was so excited!! She has been waiting for it to be her turn to go to school - I think she has asked me pretty much every day why her brothers and sister get to go to school and she has to wait. So her day finally arrived!! I woke her a bit early as I know she doesn't like to move very fast in the morning. She woke up very happy, but still moved at the pace of a turtle. It took her 20 minutes just to eat a slice of toast, so needless to say the other slice of toast didn't get eaten as we just had to get going.
She went right in to her classroom & starting playing. Her teacher greeted her with a "good morning Anna" and Ana respectfully told her "I'm not Anna, my name is Ana." I'm afraid she is probably going to be repeating her name many times throughout her life - oh well. So we got her settled into an activity at the table and she gave me a big hug and a kiss and said "goodbye Mom, I'll see you later!" I left thinking, well that was certainly easy!
So when it was time to pick her up, she took one look at me and started to cry. I couldn't believe it! She kept saying "no Mom, I'm not ready to go yet". I told her we could come back tomorrow and that seemed to make the crying stop.
Her favorite things to do at preschool are painting (poor thing doesn't have much opportunity at home for those messy projects) & singing - she has the B-I-B-L-E down quite well already!
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