Tina of course!! You go girl!!
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Court Day
Yesterday we had our court hearing to finalize Ana's adoption. It was a very short, but very meaningful appearance before the Honorable Wade L. Webb! The judge came in - we all stood - he proceeded to explain that we were in court to finalize the adoption for "Anna" Elizabeth Freier - Kyle and I gave each other a glance because we knew what was coming - Ana slowly lifted her eyes toward the judge and said "No, Ana". The judge chuckled a bit and said, "Well thank you, Ana, for correcting me". We've tried to explain to her that her name is a bit confusing to people and that she will probably need to 'politely' correct people all of her life. What do ya do? :)
Afterwards we asked Ana where she wanted to go for lunch to celebrate. That's when the boys got the idea to go bowling. So they asked Ana - "Ana do you want to go bowling and have pizza"? "Doesn't that sound like fun Ana?" To which she got all excited and was begging to go bowling. She doesn't even know what bowling is! So went bowling - in our dresses and dress pants - at 11:30 am - on a Wednesday!
When we got there, our three oldest started to give the lady their shoe sizes to get their bowling shoes. Apparently the smallest shoe size they have is a 12 and Ana wears a 10 1/2, but she was determined to wear a pair of the multi-colored leather shoes just like her siblings. I don't know how she kept them on, but you would have thought they were Cinderella's glass slippers - she loved those shoes!

So can you guess who won the game??
Tina of course!! You go girl!!
Tina of course!! You go girl!!
Monday, November 2, 2009
To be honest Halloween is not one of my favorite holidays. But the kids sure do enjoy getting dressed up & of course the candy is appealing too. This year Matt asked if we could trick-or-treat in the neighborhood. Our church has always hosted a Harvest Party and we've always attended that and have never really bothered with the door-to-door stuff. But ya know, now that he is a mature age of 10 he thought he needed to trick-of-treat with friends in the neighborhood. So we went to the Harvest Party first and once they got their fill of candy, pop, bottles of bubbles, etc. - then we came home and scoured the neighborhood for MORE candy.
The girls and I only made it to about 6 houses. I didn't even think to give Ana some "trick-or-treating etiquette" before we set out, so our first couple of stops she would march right inside their house when they would open the door to hand out the candy. She quickly caught on to the "trick-or-treat" saying in order to get the candy. And then she also told everyone what she was - "I'm a dancing girl" - just in case they couldn't tell by the leotard, tutu, and dance shoes. One of our neighbors had a bit of a scary costume on with a ghostly face and freakishly-long fingers that reached out to hand you the candy. Tina stopped dead in her tracks the moment she saw him. Oh not Ana though - she walked right up to him, eyes wide, and said trick-or-treat - she knew there was candy involved and she was going to get it! And then she was even so nice as to reach out a grab her sister's candy too since she wasn't going to come and get it. And then that ended our door-to-door trick-or-treating.

The girls and I only made it to about 6 houses. I didn't even think to give Ana some "trick-or-treating etiquette" before we set out, so our first couple of stops she would march right inside their house when they would open the door to hand out the candy. She quickly caught on to the "trick-or-treat" saying in order to get the candy. And then she also told everyone what she was - "I'm a dancing girl" - just in case they couldn't tell by the leotard, tutu, and dance shoes. One of our neighbors had a bit of a scary costume on with a ghostly face and freakishly-long fingers that reached out to hand you the candy. Tina stopped dead in her tracks the moment she saw him. Oh not Ana though - she walked right up to him, eyes wide, and said trick-or-treat - she knew there was candy involved and she was going to get it! And then she was even so nice as to reach out a grab her sister's candy too since she wasn't going to come and get it. And then that ended our door-to-door trick-or-treating.
Our two "dancing girls" - Cowboy Andy - and our gangster son, Matt
Thursday, October 8, 2009
A Little of This - A Little of That
Friday, September 18, 2009
One Year Ago Today...
It was one year ago today - September 18th (also my beautiful neice's birthday!) - that we received these pictures of this sweet, sweet face!! It was right up there in "one of the happiest days" category!!

I remember looking into Ana's deep brown eyes and feeling just so very blessed! I was in the dentist chair when I received a call from our agency saying they had some new children available and she wanted to send me pictures over the email. Oh my gosh, I wanted to run out of that dental office right at that moment - but I didn't - I let them finish my cleaning. So as soon as I got home, I phoned our agency and told them they could start sending the pictures. I had no idea they were sending so many pictures - it took forever to receive them. Ana's pictures were the first ones we received and I phoned our agency and told them not to send me anymore - Ana is all we needed to see! I just knew that when we did finally receive a referral, that we would accept the first child we saw - and we did! She was so beautiful & so full of life - her smile made you melt - and it still does!
I thank God every day that she hasn't lost her happiness & her smile. I worried so much that we would get her home and she would become very sad & not want to be with us. But I really think she has bonded very well with all of us & that she truly feels like she belongs (and she most certainly does) in this family.
So many of you prayed for Ana for close to a year and we thank you so much for that!
I remember looking into Ana's deep brown eyes and feeling just so very blessed! I was in the dentist chair when I received a call from our agency saying they had some new children available and she wanted to send me pictures over the email. Oh my gosh, I wanted to run out of that dental office right at that moment - but I didn't - I let them finish my cleaning. So as soon as I got home, I phoned our agency and told them they could start sending the pictures. I had no idea they were sending so many pictures - it took forever to receive them. Ana's pictures were the first ones we received and I phoned our agency and told them not to send me anymore - Ana is all we needed to see! I just knew that when we did finally receive a referral, that we would accept the first child we saw - and we did! She was so beautiful & so full of life - her smile made you melt - and it still does!
I thank God every day that she hasn't lost her happiness & her smile. I worried so much that we would get her home and she would become very sad & not want to be with us. But I really think she has bonded very well with all of us & that she truly feels like she belongs (and she most certainly does) in this family.
So many of you prayed for Ana for close to a year and we thank you so much for that!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
First Day of Preschool
Monday was Ana's first day of preschool. She was so excited!! She has been waiting for it to be her turn to go to school - I think she has asked me pretty much every day why her brothers and sister get to go to school and she has to wait. So her day finally arrived!! I woke her a bit early as I know she doesn't like to move very fast in the morning. She woke up very happy, but still moved at the pace of a turtle. It took her 20 minutes just to eat a slice of toast, so needless to say the other slice of toast didn't get eaten as we just had to get going.
She went right in to her classroom & starting playing. Her teacher greeted her with a "good morning Anna" and Ana respectfully told her "I'm not Anna, my name is Ana." I'm afraid she is probably going to be repeating her name many times throughout her life - oh well. So we got her settled into an activity at the table and she gave me a big hug and a kiss and said "goodbye Mom, I'll see you later!" I left thinking, well that was certainly easy!
So when it was time to pick her up, she took one look at me and started to cry. I couldn't believe it! She kept saying "no Mom, I'm not ready to go yet". I told her we could come back tomorrow and that seemed to make the crying stop.
Her favorite things to do at preschool are painting (poor thing doesn't have much opportunity at home for those messy projects) & singing - she has the B-I-B-L-E down quite well already!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Back to School
The first day of school is always bitter sweet for me. After a fun-filled summer with the kids - all day - every day - 24/7 - running here - running there...well you get the drift...I am a "smidge" ready for them to go back to school. But I also miss them while they are away.
Today, we put THREE of our children on the bus! I know...can you believe that my little Tina is in Kindergarten already? Tina is very much ready to soar her oats and enter the world of elementary school. She is my social butterfly! She boarded the bus this morning with a huge smile on her face and plopped herself next to her little friend Solvay. The boys were ready for school to start as well and to see all their friends.
Of course, I had to remind them of how much they missed me while they were away by having warm brownies waiting for them when they arrived home! Matt said he could smell them as he came up the driveway...and then he said two of my favorite words...thanks Mom! I love that boy!! The other two just scarfed down the brownies while trying to tell me about their day.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Pink Hair
I almost forgot the other mishap that took place while we were "at the farm". Since we were painting Grandpa's garage, Aunt Laurie gave the kids cans of spray paint to paint on the old summer kitchen behind the garage. Katelyn had already painted a beautiful sun, rainbow and flowers and then my kids added their names and some other graffiti. When they were finished we noticed that Ana (or possibly her sister whose name starts with a T) had sprayed one side of her hair with pink paint. We've washed it once and some of the paint has come out, but I think we're going to be a "Pink Lady" for at least a couple more washings.

Fun at the Farm
We spent most of Sunday at Grandpa Beis' Farm near Streeter, ND. This is the farmstead where Kyle's Grandpa grew up - where Kyle's Mom grew up - and where Kyle spent a lot of time when he was a boy. The kids had so much fun!! It meant a lot to both Kyle and I to see our children also making great memories with their cousin & aunts & Great-Grandpa Beis at the farm. Auntie Laurie had her horses there, so the kids were had able to ride around the yard on Doc.
All the kids had a blast driving the dune buggy around Grandpa's yard. As you can see further down, Andy had a little more fun than the others. The story goes...while the adults were painting Grandpa's garage, the kids were running wild...just kidding...some were playing with the kittens - some were driving the golf cart - and Andy was driving the dune buggy. Suddenly we hear Andy running toward us crying uncontrollably. He by-passed his Dad and headed toward me (for good reason probably). When I asked him why he was crying he hysterically said - "it was going too fast and I ran into the fence". Hmmm...that doesn't sound good. So Andy and I walked over toward the fence (he is still crying) - I couldn't see the buggy, but I could hear it running. As we got closer I noticed the barbed wire fence was broken and the dune buggy was in the deep ditch - so my crazy kid had busted through the barbed wire fence and drove the dune buggy down into the ditch!! Thank goodness the support bars on the buggy took the beating from the barbed wire and not my kid's head!!
Grandpa had to hose down the dune buggy as there was mud plastered all over it. Not to mention the tears in the tarped roof from the barbed wire. Probably not going to get invited back to the farm anytime soon I'm afraid. Or if we do, no dune buggy for the Freier kids!
Fun With Friends
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Baseball, baseball & more baseball
Yesterday Andy had his end of season baseball tournament. The team has improved so much since the beginning of June & they all have had so much fun! Andy is a natural and has found his position at first base.

Today I took Ana to a salon to get her hair braided for the first time. It was like a spa day for her - she got her hair done, her finger nails and toe nails painted, and was given a lip gloss & sucker when she was all done. I knew (well we all new) she has lots of hair, but wowza when the stylist was separating it into sections to braid it reminded me just of how much hair she does have!! One lady asked if she had extensions! It took a little over an hour. She did well up until the last 20 minutes. Then she gave Ruthie some attitude. Funny though, once she was given her lip gloss & sucker she was all smiles and even gave Ruthie a big hug.

Today I took Ana to a salon to get her hair braided for the first time. It was like a spa day for her - she got her hair done, her finger nails and toe nails painted, and was given a lip gloss & sucker when she was all done. I knew (well we all new) she has lots of hair, but wowza when the stylist was separating it into sections to braid it reminded me just of how much hair she does have!! One lady asked if she had extensions! It took a little over an hour. She did well up until the last 20 minutes. Then she gave Ruthie some attitude. Funny though, once she was given her lip gloss & sucker she was all smiles and even gave Ruthie a big hug.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
I've been wanting a necklace that is shaped like Africa with a cut-out heart. I've seen them on the internet, but just didn't want to shell out $75. Many of you know that I have a "dog tag" necklace with my childrens names on them - I get sooo many comments on that necklace - it is one of my favorites!! So anyway, I was at the flea market near DL and I ran into the gal who made my name necklace so I asked her if she thought she could make something similar. She immediately was up to the challenge and within a few days she had it in the mail to me. And the best part, it DIDN'T cost me $75!! If you'd like to check out her line of jewelry go to this site: www.funkdujourdesigns.com. She's got some pretty cool stuff!!
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Summer Fun
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